#aibusinessconsultant #graduationday #Firstpatch
From our first day at Hyper Island, Lykke de Vries and Christina Plymouth were our way to #learnbydoing.
After that, all the first patch students of AI Business Consultant were our guides on the journey.
They have been in the last 6 months in branded companies and institutes like AI Sweden Ericsson Google PELTARION AstraZeneca Zenseact Modulai 33A and other companies.
Today is their graduation day.
Congratulations to Dano Marr the program manager and to all of them. Here are some of my LinkedIn connections.
Alexander Brunner Ariel Shaka Chantal Frisk Christina Plymouth
David Andersen Dean Svahnalam Elin Horn Filip Romeling Kamil Szczesny Louis Guerpillon Lucas Ambjorn Maria Hellsen
Maria Serkova Rikard Sivard Shirin Redha Simone Karoliussen
Thomas Hana Tosca Malm Viktor Öberg
How can your benefit from AI and digital transformation technologies in your industry?
Or you can improve your employee’s skills by joining the program next summer.
#aiforbusiness #Aiforgood #innovation #customersatisfaction
#receuitment AI for Better Future